The citizens of the Town of Guildhall, Vermont who are legal voters of the Town School District are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Guild Hall at 7:00 o'clock in the evening on Thursday, November 3, 2011 to transact the following business:
Article 1: Shall the voters of the Guildhall School District vote to rescind the following article approved by the Guildhall voters on August 10, 2011:
"For the FY 2011-12 School Year, the town will pilot an entitlement for educational services for gifted and talented students who are identified by professionally qualified persons when compared to others their same age as intended by the Vermont General Assembly"
Article 2: If Article 1 fails, shall the voters of the Guildhall School District vote to amend the above-named article by adding the following language:
"but no child identified as gifted and talented shall be sent to any other school pursuant to this Article unless that school has a pre-existing, formal program in place specifically for gifted and talented students."
Sharal Plumley, Chair
Matthew Smith, Vice-chair
Helen Martin, Clerk
Attest: Sam Swope, Town Clerk
Article 1: Shall the voters of the Guildhall School District vote to rescind the following article approved by the Guildhall voters on August 10, 2011:
"For the FY 2011-12 School Year, the town will pilot an entitlement for educational services for gifted and talented students who are identified by professionally qualified persons when compared to others their same age as intended by the Vermont General Assembly"
Article 2: If Article 1 fails, shall the voters of the Guildhall School District vote to amend the above-named article by adding the following language:
"but no child identified as gifted and talented shall be sent to any other school pursuant to this Article unless that school has a pre-existing, formal program in place specifically for gifted and talented students."
Sharal Plumley, Chair
Matthew Smith, Vice-chair
Helen Martin, Clerk
Attest: Sam Swope, Town Clerk