Town Election 10 AM - 7 PM Town Meeting 7 PM Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Town Meeting Warning > click HERE to open or download < NEK Choice UUSD Warning > click HERE to open or download < Notice to Voters > click HERE to open or download < Guildhall Checklist > click HERE to open or download < Sample Ballot Front Side > click HERE to open or download < Sample Ballot Back Side > click HERE to open or download < NEK Choice UUSD Sample Ballot > click HERE to open or download < ********************************************************* Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Announcement The Town of Guildhall is looking for the public’s assistance in identifying local hazards to aid in updating the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, all municipalities are required to complete a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan every 5 years in order to qualify for FEMA funding should a disaster occur. The plan aids in identifying threats and hazards such as flooding, winter storms, power failures, pandemics, cyber-attacks etc. and then determine mitigation efforts that can aid municipalities in reducing risk and recovery from natural, technological, and human-caused hazards. The Town of Guildhall has begun the plan update process and is looking for input from Guildhall residents to help identify hazards that impact your community. Residents and Property Owners are invited to download the attached > Guildhall Resident or Property Owner Hazard Mitigation Survey < and mail or scan/email their responses to Town Clerk at [email protected] or PO Box 10 Guildhall, VT 05905 (802) 676-3797 with any input or questions. The current Local Hazard Mitigation Plan can be examined at the town office or online at ********************************************************* Town Clerk's Office OPEN to general public for walk-in business on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Record research is still by appointment. **************************************** Town Office Hours Town Clerk Tuesday 8:45 am - 2:45 pm Thursday 8:45 am - 2:45 pm or by appointment Listers Tuesday 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm Thursday 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm or by appointment Walk-in services will be fulfilled in the public Meeting Room area. The following Town business can still be done via mail (or request slipped in the front door slot) or phone/email: accounts payable bills, tax & water payments, dog licenses, copies of property tax bills, Lister cards, copies of tax map parcels, marriage licenses, copies of birth/death/marriage certificates, etc. Please call or email for specific details and/or assistance. To reach the Town Clerk, call (802) 676-3797, or email: [email protected]
13 Courthouse Drive (Physical)
P.O. Box 10 (Mailing) Guildhall, Vermont 05905 Town Clerk/Treasurer Hours: Tuesdays 8:45 am - 2:45 pm Thursdays 8:45 am - 2:45 pm Phone: 802–676-3797 Fax: 802-676-3518 email: [email protected] Contact: Town Clerk Treasurer About Guildhall, VT