The Town is discontinuing all public use of our Hall, Meeting Space and Kitchen effective immediately and until future notice. This includes cancelling all events open to the public and/or community groups, as well as Town sponsored events.
Tuesday, March 17 – Selectboard meeting postponed to March 31st
Saturday, March 21 – Rabies Clinic cancelled
Saturday, March 21 – CTVSR meeting cancelled
Tuesday, March 24 – Planning Board meeting cancelled
Saturday, March 28 – Newell brunch cancelled
April and May events and meetings are also currently cancelled. Organizers should contact the Town Clerk with their “go/no-go” decision deadline date so that they can be notified with an updated status report at that time.
The Town Office will maintain its regular hours at the present time, but folks are encouraged to conduct business by phone, email or mail whenever possible.
Dog licenses should be renewed by mail. Send old license and fee (same as last year) to
Town Clerk, PO Box 10, Guildhall VT 05905
Per Order of the Selectboard