George and Carolyn Blakeslee’s puppy (a white miniature poodle) was lost near their home (Rt. 102, just south of Guildhall Village) on Wed., 4.17.2013. The puppy, a female, is named Buffy. She has a shaved belly (due to a recent spay operation). She slipped out of her collar, but she does have an identifying microchip.
If you have any information about the puppy’s whereabouts, please contact one of the following:
George Blakeslee (328-4425)
Gary Brown, Constable (676-3636)
Sam Swope, Town Clerk (W: 676-3797; H: 676-2614)
If you have any information about the puppy’s whereabouts, please contact one of the following:
George Blakeslee (328-4425)
Gary Brown, Constable (676-3636)
Sam Swope, Town Clerk (W: 676-3797; H: 676-2614)