In person
In order to keep you and our poll workers as safe as possible on Vermont Primary Election Day on August 11, 2020, the following procedures will be in effect for those voters who choose to cast their vote in person.
1. Upon arriving at the town office (Polling Place), enter through the Front Door to check in (or Accessible Entrance, if need be). We request that you wear a mask, as will we.
2. One voter or voting family will be admitted to the Hall at one time.
Social distancing will be practiced. If there are voters ahead of you, you will be asked to wait outside. In the event of rain, we will have 6 foot spacing in the meeting room waiting area or you can wait in your car.
3. The Entrance Checklist poll worker will hand you 3 ballots. You will be directed to one of two voting booths to mark the ballot of your choice. We will be disinfecting the booths after each use.
4. After marking the ballot of your choice, proceed to the Exit Checklist poll worker who will show you which ballot box is for the voted ballot and which is for the 2 un-voted ballots.
5. Voters will exit by way of the Accessible Entrance.
If you wish, you may vote outside or in your car. When you check in, request the ballots and return envelopes. Step outside or in your car to mark your ballots. Place the voted ballot in the Certificate Envelope and sign it. Place the un-voted ballots in the other envelope. Return the envelopes to the Entrance check in.
Returning Early Ballots on Election Day
If you received Early Ballots, but have not returned them yet, they can be brought to the Polling Place (Town Office) on Election Day. Before coming, Mark the ballot of your choice. Place the voted ballot in the Certificate Envelope and sign it. Place the un-voted ballots in the other envelope. Return the envelopes to the Entrance check in.
Lost Early Ballots
If you requested Early Ballots, but can not find ALL THREE to return, come to the Polling Place (Town Office) to vote in person. You will be asked to complete and sign an Affidavit form which affirms that one or more of the ballots has been lost, misplaced or not received. The Entrance Checklist poll worker will give you 3 new ballots and you may vote in person.